Happy New Year dear blog. I'm not hoping for a great new year, I'm making it a great one!
Got back from Hawaii on Saturday, very sick but with my voice back. I'd lost it the second day I was in Waikiki. Eri's wedding was lovely, very Japanese, but lovely. I think her and Chris will make a great pair.
Last night I wrote down all that I am leaving behind in 2009- a year that I'd rather forget. That's not to say it didn't have its moments, but on the whole, and in the words of a former colleague, 'Fuck you 2009 and the horse you came in on'.
New beginnings.
This year I will lose weight and feel good about myself. I'll shake off all my negativity and project only positivity. I'll save money and indulge my hobbies- walking and writing. I'll see the good in everyone and believe in myself. I will.
Grrrr to the year of the tiger!
Rising up, back on the street!
Stay tuned...