Well it's been a long time between posts, not chuhais, of course. Decided better get something down for the month of June.
Japan's stinkin rainy season/summer has started and I'm already counting down to autumn. Man I hate this season here. Not a minute out of the shower and droplets of sweat are forming on my brow. Poo to you Japanese summer- and Japanese public schools for throwing their budgets away on new computers for staff when really they should be decking out their class rooms with ceiling fans, at the very least. Poor kids, don't know how they can concentrate when their hair is all plastered to their faces and their uniforms soaked in bodily fluid.
Have officially been teaching now for 3 months, although it feels like 3 years. Don't think I am every going to get used to the way things are done in the classroom over here, but as my mum and Taku have said, I don't have to get used to it, just accept it. しょがないね
Clip clopped my way to Himeji's Yukata matsuri the other night with Keiko, and was joined later by Taku and Shinya. Wasn't too thrilled with my yukata- an admittedly beautiful pale green colour with a crab motif, but just not my thing. Wanted to wear my electric blue one which I purchased from UniQlo a few years ago, but was booed by okaasan and Taku. Nonetheless had fun eating festival food and checking out all the lovely yukata's. Played a few games and snagged some tacky prizes- a care bare neck pouch amongst them.
Being quite cultural this month to be honest. Woke up early this morning and made my way down to the local community centre where my school's Japanese teacher, slash art teacher wannabe was holding a lithography class. Sketched a nice little koala sitting snug in a gum tree. Very proud of my efforts. Am headed back in a month for another go- this time with instructions to bring a summer themed sketch along. Considering I hate this bloody season will have to strain brain for some positive inspiration. Empty chuhai can perhaps?
Anyway, have fulfilled my intentions of at least getting in one post per month. Must write more- am just so floored and disillusioned with the world most days after work- so posting has taken a back seat. Will endeavour to get back on the horse, me promises.
Stay tuned...
Oh, almost forgot my thank yous for 100yen heaven. Man did you do me proud yesterday! Silver cleaning cloth, Hello Kitty filing folders, Hello Kitty wet tissues and 3 packets of peanut m&ms. All is well in the world!
Mum needs wine Monday
3 years ago