Nonetheless, with Keiko's help I jotted down aforementioned dish and was quite pleased with the results:
Recipe is as follows...
ぶたバラにく 500g
たまご x4
サラダあぶら 大さじx2
さけ 大さじx2
さとう だいさじx3
すりおろし ニンニク
コチュジャン 大さじx2
トウバンジャン 大さじx2
First scramble the egg and move to a bowl.
Cut up the chives (ニラ).
Dice the garlic and crush up.
Make sauce with all yummy ingredients mentioned above.
Cook pork.
Add sauce.
Add egg.
Add chives.
Tres easy and tres yum yum. Serve with rice and a smile:)
Also managed to finish TOKYO VICE yesterday. Damn good read. Even found Jake Adelstein on twitter and popped him a few questions which he responded to. Got real goosebumps flicking through the pages. Japan is a totally different place for me now.
Kept thinking while was reading, that was actually living in Tokyo/Saitama during some events. Even had a friend working as a hostess around the time Jake would have been investigating his was around Kabukicho and Roppongi. You could become disillusioned with Japan post-read, but as I learnt when I first came here in 2003 no two people will ever have the same experiences of Japan for it is a wonderland of extremes and fluctuating degrees of warmth and coldness, both in a literal and metaphorical sense.
I still love you Tokes.
In other news, grabbed some lovely earthy coloured bath towels form MUUJI the other day. Love that I'll be towelling myself down in plushness tonight.
Stay tuned...
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