Friday, July 23, 2010


Schooools.. out.. for.. summer!! Thank you kami sama for this much needed reprieve. Although I have to spend the next 2 weeks coming to school because my holidays don't officially begin until August, I am using my time well. I decided to download all the material I could find on the JLPT N4 test and start studying the kanji, in anticipation of doing the exam next July. Thought December this year might be a bit ambitious, because although I could probably get the kanji together, I think I need to go back to the classroom and start having grammar based lessons. わ か で を に etc are the bane of my existence at the moment. Not unlike many other people who study Japanese I guess... Must remember everyday to thank ole kami sama that my native tongue is English- just think of all our complex grammar rules and exception to the grammar rules, not to mention bloody phrasal verbs and idioms that originate from god knows where sometimes.

In other bloody exciting news, have booked my flight home for Christmas. Have managed to fly on days just outside the Japanese holiday season. Poor bloody Japanese, everyone has roughly the same piddly 5 days off, so they all have to fly on the same days and at ridiculously expensive prices. Had I left a day later, and returned a day earlier I would be out a further 40,000yen! Anyway am locked in for 16 days of Australian summer and couldn't be happier. Most important thing is I will be waking up on Christmas day in my house where we do Christmas the way I like it!

Mum and Dad will be here in exactly two weeks today. Can't wait to go shopping in Kobe with mum and just relax. We have one day trip planned for Hiroshima/Miyajima. Hopes it's bloody perfect weather that day and the torii in the water is on it's best behaviour, not skulking while the tide is out.

Need to pop down to 100yen heaven today- haven't been for a while and need some folders to store all my JLPT junk. And who knows what else I might find, eh?

Stay tuned...

p.s cooked ridiculously yummy chicken teriyaki last night. Thank you Nintendo DS game. Secret ingredients in the marinade- ginger + love;)

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