Thursday, August 5, 2010


The time has come. Mum and Dad will be here tomorrow afternoon!

Will take a break from blogging as I enjoy some real hugs and quality time with my mum.

☆ やった!☆


  1. Hope you are having a great time with your mum and dad. Some real hugs and quality time with mum sounds great. Enjoy it.

    And well done on all the kanji study. I am thinking I must have studied like that back in the day and now I really only remember the ones I need - teachers names at kinder, names of drugs for kids, locations of important places and chuhai flavors. OK, and perhaps a few more but when I'm not translating Kanji loses out big time.

    And don't worry. I won't completely take over your blog and stalk your comments. It's nice to have something else to read though. Thankyou.

  2. Have fun with your mum and dad!
    You're in Hyogo too!? Let's get together sometime! I can give you my gazillion kanji textbooks to borrow, because I haven't touched one for soooo long!!
