Saturday, August 28, 2010

Strange days

I wrote a blog about all my woes a few days ago, only to have the computer freeze on me when I went to post it. Was that a sign? I'm not sure. Anyway, lets just say my circumstances have certainly changed and I am at a real loss what to do.

I want to write about it- I know it would be therapeutic to get some of this out and from those who chance upon my boring excuse for a blog, maybe some advice. But I'm virtually crippled when I try to write down what has happened. Time heals all wounds right? Take time to think things through? How about time is of the essence(spell?)? Patience is not a virtue of mine, so right now my nerves are shot and my heart is aching.

Please God let this all turn out well.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

+ thinking day 2

Made the most of having absolutely nothing pressing to do today and fell in and out of sleep until 1pm! Blissful- no alarms, just good quality sleep which I very much needed.

Around 2pm made my way to the Japanese school in Himeji where I have signed on for a term. Bloody cheap really- only 3000yen plus text book. Hope the other folk in my class are nice. I was put into upper intermediate but asked to be moved to intermediate. Unlike the students I taught in Oz who always demanded to be "revelled up" regardless of their ability to pass the test, I would rather be the best in a low level, then the worst in a higher level. Anway, I have 1 month until the semester begins so lets see how it goes.

Stopped in at Mister D on the way home and had a lovely pineapple juice (though next time will ask for more juice and less ice!) and me favourite pon de kokuto. Three people plonked themselves down next to me and started whispering in English, which I couldn't quite make out and didn't really care for as was deep into a Woman's Weekly article (thanks mum) on Julia Guillard- erection this weekend! I voted in Osaka at the Australian Consulate on Tuesday. Anywho, guy at the next table, who I suspected was Korean, asked where I was from and then it was all on. Turns out they had lived on the Gold Coast for about a year. Was nice to chew the fat with some random young people and not dirty toothless men in Max Value.

Tis day 2 of my positive thinking and 7 things to be grateful for so here goes tonight's list:

1. Will start Japanese lessons in September
2. Love my yoga class on Tuesday nights with Miki
3. Am finally saving
4. Have ticket booked home for December
5. Have a lovely little Suzuki Wagon R to get around in
6. Did 2 "Views from the Street" for The Japan Times this month
7. Have an awesome bedroom in the Yuasa castle, my sanctuary

Am going to crack out the WII Fit tomorrow morning, paint toe nails, download photos, organise room, iron some clothes (find it very cathartic) and hopefully get a walk in tomorrow night.

Gosh, what a terribly exciting post!

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Mum and dad took off in a jet plane yesterday. Don't know when they'll be back again, but I know I'll be bear hugging them come Christmas eve where the festivities are done in summer time. Yay!

We had a great 10 days. It was unbelievable how well the three of us got along, save for mum and dad's snoring. They are a well-synced snoring machine. When one is whistling out the last of their snore, the other is nearing the peak of theirs. Was so tough being in a hotel room with that going on and no escape. Can't complain though, both hotels were a nice relief from the castle. We stayed in Hotel Nikko for 5 days and the Osaka Hilton for the last 4. Osaka Hilton is a magical wonderland of gadgets, skyscraper views and eggs on demand breakfast feasts. They even served baked beans, though it was made up all gourmet-looking with big silver ladle beckoning to the stuff. Felt like Scarlett Johannson in Lost in Translation. Pictured self many times writhing around on king size bed in pink undies while contemplating view of Osaka below. Couldn't actually re-enact said scene, as the snore team were always around.

Man it was good to get some hugs in with them. I started to realise after being here for close to one year and only having Taku's parents to observe, that mum and dad are really lovely and affectionate with one another. Of course they'll mock and have cranky pants occassionally but they kiss and hug and hold hands. When I watch Taku's parents interact I can hardly believe they conceived 3 kids together. And it got me thinking about Taku and myself. Mum even noted that we hardly hold hands these days, to which Taku replied "Yeah we do, sometimes" in his Aussie accent, so rolling laughs got in the way of any real discussion on the topic. Feels sometimes like Taku and I are the old jaded couple. I know Taku is different here to in Oz. I know his job is all consuming and he misses his life in Brisbane dancing and playing baseball. I just wish he could embrace it all and be more positive. Or maybe I should embrace it all and be more open minded, hey? An unsuspecting hug on the odd occassion would not be turned down, though...

Have decided from tomorrow I will start 100 days of positive thinking. Everytime I entertain a negative nelly I'm going to quash it and pen a positive thought. Gratitude is on the menu too. Despite its many critics I'm going to embrace The Secret and think of 7 things to be grateful for each day. Man, this stuff comes easy to some, but I've been struggling since living here. No more voodoo on me, it's time to whip into mental and physcial shape.


So here is my first positive thought- Summer will be over soon and we can all look lovingly at the mountains and note the subtle changes in the leaves. Something I don't get to appreciate in Oz.

And 7 things to be grateful for:

1. My family
2. I have a job
3. Skype is installed on my computer
4. All limbs and senses are accounted for
5. Hair, although damaged from blonde ambitions, is recovering
6. Toiletries cabinet is stocked once again with Nurofen, tampons and COLGATE!
7. Takuya is still with me despite my waterworks!

Stay tuned...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The time has come. Mum and Dad will be here tomorrow afternoon!

Will take a break from blogging as I enjoy some real hugs and quality time with my mum.

☆ やった!☆

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Bugger, just lost my post! Well, considering the title is 'nothing special' I guess it doesn't matter...

So just taking a break from Kanji land. Head is spinning with all manner of shapes and stroke orders. Makes the drive home a little frightful too, as kanji keep jumping out at me from street signs/shop fronts and the like. Is worse than texting while driving. And by the time I get home I am spent. I tell ya, this becoming literate in Japan does have its pitfalls. I remember way back in 2003, when I was a naive little thing, relaxing/day dreaming/snoozing on trains because I was safe in the fact I couldn't read a lick of any of the advertisements posted around me. Is a different thing these days when I ride ye olde 電車. My eyes start darting around identifying any kanji I know, then, like I'm a character in a Dan Brown novel, I want to shout out 'Got it! I know! I know this one!' Nonetheless am pleased with my progress.

I have some favourite kanji too. I guess everyone does. At the moment mine is 水. Two readings- Wednesday and water. Water is good for the body and skin. I like water. Wednesday is hump day, and if your glass is half full that's a good thing. But it's less the meaning than the strokes. Without fail, everytime I pen these four lovely markings into my kanji renshu book they come out perfect. No bloated head here, being very honest. Other seemingly easy kanji is another story. I have a real problem with 世. Now despite its simple appearance everytime I go to scribble it down, it never comes out looking nice. 好 is another one. Am having a real love hate with relationship with it. Although combined with hiragana's き it makes for a nice meaning, it never looks proportioned on my pad. I can give or take 寒 as well. That's not to say I don't like cold weather but these strokes never look lovely when I get them out. Could write 味 forever and 友 because they always come out pleasingly to the eye. Todays five are 持 屋 声 朝 昼. There is no reason for the order. Am just flicking through my photocopy of the list and choosing at my fancy which ones I like the look of. I guess other more studious folk will order their kanji according to adjective, verb and the like. But I'm doing it my way and me likey.

Right, off to lunch. Cup Ramen and salad. Yummo!

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I love the use of this word in the English language. Stupid, ignorant, dumb etc don't have the same implication as 'thick' which I associate with the consistency of a good McDonald's thickshake. And that is how I think Japanese are educated in this country- to be as thick as possible when it comes to self-learning. It's a generalisation, but an observation I feel qualified to make.

When I taught in Australia, I used to get the occassional European, or South American student asking me thick questions like how to improve their writing/reading/listening skills. But I`d have to say Japanese outnumbered all other nationalities with Koreans coming in at a close second.

When I decided to spend 3 weeks of lesson-less days at school before my summer break starts, I searched the net for the list of kanji I'd need to pass the JLPT N4 level. I then bought myself a kanji renshu book, a nice pacer, a rubber and set about learning around 5 kanji a day. Sometimes I get in a few more, but I've found that that is the most I can retain in one day. I also bought myself some kanji palm cards, which I'll take to when I finish writing out all the kanji in my list (around 300). All of this preparation and practice has been born of my own motivation. I never once sat down a 国語先生 at the schools I work and asked, 'How can I learn kanji?' It's a stupid question, indeed thick question to ask. Why? Because it's so bloody obvious. Like, how can I lose weight? Exercise, eat right! Granted everyone needs to do a bit of poking around to find what helps them remember best, but I've learnt what suits me, without consulting a teacher and asking a bleedingly obvious question.

It's a cliche I know, but if I had 円100 for everytime a bloody student asked me 'How can I improve my listening?' I would be living on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, drinking cosmos till the sun came up. How can you improve your listening? Listen. To. English. Pick. Up. A. DVD. And. Watch. It. In. English. Without. Subtitles.

I understand for some people it might not feel enough but honestly, the way I improve my Japanese listening skills is by turning on the radio in the car in the morning on my way to work, watching TV when I get home at night, or just turning on the TV while I do other stuff. I pick up so much vocabulary as well. It may not feel like you are improving your listening skills because you are not bent over a desk furiously colouring in a multiple choice test, but this is how it is done, dear Japanese student. If the education system in this country could encourage students to think as well as memorize then perhaps there wouldn't be so many people skulking around this country with 6 years of compulsory English under their belt but not a clue how to speak it.

Wow, this blogging stuff is very therapuetic and although I know I am the only one who reads my blog, it is very satisfying to get this out.

Thank you again, mum and dad for giving me the opportunity to attend 3 great schools, with great teachers and a great atmosphere to learn, think and do!

In other, more trivial news, 100yen heaven has taken a back seat since I discovered a stationary shop on my route home last week. Got myself one of those plastic boards you put between pages to keep your writing smooth. Mine is a pink Care Bear one with LOVE emblazoned on it. Also got cute United Colors of Benetton eraser (who knew they did stationary?) and a Care Bear folder yet to be utilised. Ahh, it's the small things that make you happy.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Idle times...

Am into my second week of nothingness at the schools. Not going too bad actually, though I really need to figure out a way to exercise as I sit on my bum all day in the air conned しょくいんしつ and then go home to my room where I sit in the air con and check my bank account at 5 minute intervals to see if my tax return has been deposited. Should learn to be more patient as standard processing time is 2 weeks and that will be tomorrow night. Very happy if all goes well with the return as it will pay for my flight home in December and help shave off some of my credit card debt.

Kanji practice is coming along nicely. I've estimated I know around 150 kanji by sight and can confidently write around 40. Not too bad. Find it all therapeutic going through stroke order, kind of like meditation- instead of observing my breath I am keeping calm by counting my strokes. Ichi, ni, san, shi and so on.

Have many things to get done by next Friday when mum and dad arrive. Really looking forward to seeing them so can hug and laugh loudly and moan when the fancy takes me without being made to feel like some weaker species for offloading my emotions. Perhaps that is too much to say, but nonetheless looking forward to being with mum.

List making feels very productive so will pop these to-do things down here and check in later to see if I have scratched 'em all off my list:

1. Clean car (empty boot, remove shoes)
2. Cull clothes and bag up for garbage deposit
3. Clean bathroom (must buy cleaner first)
4. Vacuum all areas of my 'zone'
5. Nails (clean and polish)
6. Bleach
7. Organise paper work (phone and car papers)
8. Research international drivers licence (ask Chris/go to Akashi)
9. Re-schedule yoga class (call Miki-chan)
10. Wrap dad's Father's Day present
11. Download photos from けいたい on to computer

That's it for now, am sure some other to-do's will sneak their way in but that's all I need to do. Despite all this free time I really am getting things done. The only other thing I would like to do but have been shying away from is write another article. This one may be an annonymous piece though as a little sensitive. Not sure where to send it yet.

Forgot to mention 100 heaven last week. Found the cutest little red polker dot envelopes for when have miscellaneous messages/cash to hand out to someone. Love how Japanese women do their business in that manner. Also got myself a nice purple zip up folder to hold all me kanji worksheets in. Exciting I know!

This weekend might go to Midori and check out cameras for mum. Also might pop into JUNKUDO and get myself another John Grisham novel. The last one was such a tease- a great plot, awesome climax and then the most useless ending. Is called THE ASSOCIATE. Don't buy- email me and I'll be happy to offload to you:)

Stay tuned...

Monday, July 26, 2010


Well I'm having one of those days. Probably not the best day to be blogging, but there's not much else to do today. I'm not in a kanji mood though I did try to scribble down a few when I got to work this morning. I know I really only need to be able to identify the kanji to pass the JLPT but I really like being able to write them and think it helps me to remember them more easily. Was bloody shocked though, after only a weekend, how much I have forgotten! Must be this getting old thing hey?

Went to another lithography class on Saturday. My print was a summer inspired うちわ but it didn't turn out as well as my koala. Next class is in September. So have to start thinking autumn themes. Totally devoid of any inspiration...perhaps something 秋祭り related?

Yesterday was a trip to Osaka. Now I'm just not a fan of Osaka. I guess considering my first living experience in Japan was in Tokyo has something to do with it. Anyway got there around lunch time and was greeted with ridiculously hot weather and NO breeze, a million people (literally) and just a short amount of shopping time before we headed off to the big matsuri (forgot the name). Popped into H&M and found a nice flowy top which I'm wearing at work today and a summery striped tank which I probably didn't need. Nonetheless it was fun to poke around. The last H&M I went to was in Dubai where everything was a total mess and not fun at all. Matsuri was just stupid hot and a bit of a non-event because we missed the parade. Highlight was 200yen beers and a big frankfurt dipped in ketchup. Have decided to go easy on matsuri's now. Have been to three this season and to be honest, big or small, night or day, they are all pretty much the same. Did enjoy Aioi's PERON though, because the fireworks was amazing.

Have the potential to fall into a slump today and declare myself to be in a neverending rut, but doing my best to just not think that much. I guess that's my biggest downfall- I think and I think the worst, the most negative and then I spook myself about things that haven't even happened. Well, santa all I want for christmas is to be more positive.

So in the spirit of being positive and productive and rut-free here's a list of the things I'd like to achieve by the time I am 30 (next year!!):

1. Sit and pass the JLPT N4 level
2. Lose 15 kilos
3. Go to New York
4. Own a GUCCI handbag (shallow I know)
5. Find inner peace (world peace can wait til next year)
6. Be engaged

I will fulfill all these goals, all of them very attainable.

Peace out and here's hoping next time I log in I'll have loads of happy thoughts to get out!

Stay tuned...

Friday, July 23, 2010


Schooools.. out.. for.. summer!! Thank you kami sama for this much needed reprieve. Although I have to spend the next 2 weeks coming to school because my holidays don't officially begin until August, I am using my time well. I decided to download all the material I could find on the JLPT N4 test and start studying the kanji, in anticipation of doing the exam next July. Thought December this year might be a bit ambitious, because although I could probably get the kanji together, I think I need to go back to the classroom and start having grammar based lessons. わ か で を に etc are the bane of my existence at the moment. Not unlike many other people who study Japanese I guess... Must remember everyday to thank ole kami sama that my native tongue is English- just think of all our complex grammar rules and exception to the grammar rules, not to mention bloody phrasal verbs and idioms that originate from god knows where sometimes.

In other bloody exciting news, have booked my flight home for Christmas. Have managed to fly on days just outside the Japanese holiday season. Poor bloody Japanese, everyone has roughly the same piddly 5 days off, so they all have to fly on the same days and at ridiculously expensive prices. Had I left a day later, and returned a day earlier I would be out a further 40,000yen! Anyway am locked in for 16 days of Australian summer and couldn't be happier. Most important thing is I will be waking up on Christmas day in my house where we do Christmas the way I like it!

Mum and Dad will be here in exactly two weeks today. Can't wait to go shopping in Kobe with mum and just relax. We have one day trip planned for Hiroshima/Miyajima. Hopes it's bloody perfect weather that day and the torii in the water is on it's best behaviour, not skulking while the tide is out.

Need to pop down to 100yen heaven today- haven't been for a while and need some folders to store all my JLPT junk. And who knows what else I might find, eh?

Stay tuned...

p.s cooked ridiculously yummy chicken teriyaki last night. Thank you Nintendo DS game. Secret ingredients in the marinade- ginger + love;)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just in time

Well it's been a long time between posts, not chuhais, of course. Decided better get something down for the month of June.

Japan's stinkin rainy season/summer has started and I'm already counting down to autumn. Man I hate this season here. Not a minute out of the shower and droplets of sweat are forming on my brow. Poo to you Japanese summer- and Japanese public schools for throwing their budgets away on new computers for staff when really they should be decking out their class rooms with ceiling fans, at the very least. Poor kids, don't know how they can concentrate when their hair is all plastered to their faces and their uniforms soaked in bodily fluid.

Have officially been teaching now for 3 months, although it feels like 3 years. Don't think I am every going to get used to the way things are done in the classroom over here, but as my mum and Taku have said, I don't have to get used to it, just accept it. しょがないね

Clip clopped my way to Himeji's Yukata matsuri the other night with Keiko, and was joined later by Taku and Shinya. Wasn't too thrilled with my yukata- an admittedly beautiful pale green colour with a crab motif, but just not my thing. Wanted to wear my electric blue one which I purchased from UniQlo a few years ago, but was booed by okaasan and Taku. Nonetheless had fun eating festival food and checking out all the lovely yukata's. Played a few games and snagged some tacky prizes- a care bare neck pouch amongst them.

Being quite cultural this month to be honest. Woke up early this morning and made my way down to the local community centre where my school's Japanese teacher, slash art teacher wannabe was holding a lithography class. Sketched a nice little koala sitting snug in a gum tree. Very proud of my efforts. Am headed back in a month for another go- this time with instructions to bring a summer themed sketch along. Considering I hate this bloody season will have to strain brain for some positive inspiration. Empty chuhai can perhaps?

Anyway, have fulfilled my intentions of at least getting in one post per month. Must write more- am just so floored and disillusioned with the world most days after work- so posting has taken a back seat. Will endeavour to get back on the horse, me promises.

Stay tuned...

Oh, almost forgot my thank yous for 100yen heaven. Man did you do me proud yesterday! Silver cleaning cloth, Hello Kitty filing folders, Hello Kitty wet tissues and 3 packets of peanut m&ms. All is well in the world!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May day! May Day!

No cause for alarm. I'm just back on board.

Has been a funny few months, what with starting a new job and the weather doing it's best to penetrate my immune system. But now that I am living in the northern hemisphere I'm embracing the concept of spring cleaning and getting on with it.

Life at the 1 junior high and 4 elemetary schools I have been posted to is not too bad. Let the second graders in JHS get the better of me one day, but after debreifing with a fellow sensei am all good. Elementary school is fantastic, save for the two awkward kyu shoku dates with 6th graders. Although I'm only 1 month into my posting I am certain I know now why despite the fact Japanese people have 6 years of English education, they can't speak a lick of the language. I'm going to do my best to change that, but as Taku told me "Don't do your best too much." I also joked to one of the sensei's at JHS that the only thing I may learn about this job is しょがない and if that is so, then so be it.

Tomorrow the family is off to Tottori's desert, per my request for a Golden Week mini break, and I couldn't be happier. Have re-bonded with Eri recently and am feeling changes in my self that have been far too long coming. Taku and I also celebrated our 4年きねんび last weekend with a date at Harbour Land in Kobe. Feasted at a Brasilian restaurant overlooking the water, shopped for clothes and posed for プリクラ. All in all it was a nice day.

I will no longer be afraid to be positive and believe the best in everyone and I will say my thank you's every morning. Life is good!

Stay tuned...

p.s 100 yen heaven has totally taken on a new meaning in my life these days what with being a sensei and all, so my first thank you goes to you dear 百えん.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An yo ha se yo!

Cooked a Korean dish tonight. Japanese name is ぶたとたまごのKANKOKUふいため。Well that's how I wrote it down the other night at colleague's house. It was a great night with Wii Supermario Brothers. Keiko, Namura's wife, has a nifty little cook book by some girl called Shiori who, when not writing cute books, spends her time turning tables. Some people are just too cool. Wish I could read the bloody books though- so many yummy looking dishes to whip up.

Nonetheless, with Keiko's help I jotted down aforementioned dish and was quite pleased with the results:

Recipe is as follows...

ぶたバラにく 500g
たまご x4
サラダあぶら 大さじx2
さけ 大さじx2
さとう だいさじx3
すりおろし ニンニク
コチュジャン 大さじx2
トウバンジャン 大さじx2

First scramble the egg and move to a bowl.
Cut up the chives (ニラ).
Dice the garlic and crush up.
Make sauce with all yummy ingredients mentioned above.
Cook pork.
Add sauce.
Add egg.
Add chives.


Tres easy and tres yum yum. Serve with rice and a smile:)

Also managed to finish TOKYO VICE yesterday. Damn good read. Even found Jake Adelstein on twitter and popped him a few questions which he responded to. Got real goosebumps flicking through the pages. Japan is a totally different place for me now.
Kept thinking while was reading, that was actually living in Tokyo/Saitama during some events. Even had a friend working as a hostess around the time Jake would have been investigating his was around Kabukicho and Roppongi. You could become disillusioned with Japan post-read, but as I learnt when I first came here in 2003 no two people will ever have the same experiences of Japan for it is a wonderland of extremes and fluctuating degrees of warmth and coldness, both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

I still love you Tokes.

In other news, grabbed some lovely earthy coloured bath towels form MUUJI the other day. Love that I'll be towelling myself down in plushness tonight.

Stay tuned...

Friday, March 12, 2010


It's been a while but but we all marched down to the local yakinikuya tonight and man am I a satisfied little meat fiend. Even popped a few horumon in to round off the treat. Personally me fancies a nice lemon sorbet post meat attack but had to do with the complimentary stick on gum and now some パイの実. Swishing it all down with a TOP VALUE chu hai- on sale at the mo so SLUT has taken a day off.

Blogging with my man in the room, a nice treat. After this am going to curl up with one of two books I ordered off AMAZON. Truly chuffed with AMAZON. Joined up to the Japanese AMAZON website which has an English option, and two days later with the choice of cash on delivery have myself L.A Candy and Tokyo Vice. Like a pig in mud I am.

Also popped into JUNKUDO in Himeji the other day and grabbed a book called The Japanese Mind. Tis a collection of essays which looks at different aspects of the Japanese mind. Very good reading, in the comfort of a Mister Donut. Finished the first essay on あいまい or ambiguity. Has answered a lot of my questions, that chapter alone. Can't believe bloody Japanese consider it a virtue. Fancy the writer though, who said Japanese people should look to forgoing this supposed virtue in this increasingly international world if they want to avoid being considered, in short, pains in the asses(?).

Baking me a cheesecake tomorrow. Off to a colleagues new pad tomorrow night. Very excited. Hope half Philly cream cheese and half TOP VALUE's version will play nicely in the mix. Was too lazy to go hunting for another Philly after forgot to buy two. Also, if all goes planned, will be popping into マリンピア tomorrow and hopefully making use of a discount card I was given.

Gonna buy a spray bottle from 100yen heaven tomorrow. Decided to be all posh with my flora and swan about room spraying delicately from cute little bottle, perhaps all the while doing curtseys in new apron I picked up the other day too! Ha!

Stay tuned...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

雨 in the inaka...

Well it's a slow day here in the countryside.

Have resorted to John Grisham novels for my reading kicks. It ain't that bad. Had a passion to become a lawyer when I was young and watched A TIME TO KILL. Think it had more to do with the sexy lead than anything else.

Got some 漢字 practice in this afternoon too. Have decided to learn all the kanji for the prefectures. Why? Why not?

Picked myself up some Corona's at the local KALDI and am feeling spritely with my choice. Also grabbed some Hokkaido camembert from JUSCO. Just waiting for it to warm up and get all gooey on me.

What to do, what to do...

100 yen heaven might be on the cards later, and UNIQLO because, why not?

Need to review how to be calm and cool again. Maybe should get into some meditation...

What a useless post:)

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tell me what's your flavour?

Well I had my second Kansai Scene article published today. They changed my heading to Type B or not Type B? I get it, bahaha, but me favoured this post's title more. It must be said with an R-n-B inflection though to take full effect. Not totally happy with the accompanying graphic either but happy to be published again and paid!

This spring weather is also putting a spring in my step. Love finishing work before the sun has clocked out and love wearing a lighter load. Have a little feeling we haven't seen the last of winter though. Chances are a cold rush will sweep through before we can really start to swan about in floral prints and throw down some tarp underneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree.

Visited Sanda Premium Outlet mall on Saturday. Twas the second time. First time barely saw a third of the sprawl but this time did the big loop. Big fan of the Bathing Ape Pirate store. Monkey's dressed as pirates- brillant. Picked up a hoodie and some cotton pyjama bottoms from GAP as well as some Hershey chocolate at the PLAZA store. My gosh I've really taken to white chocolate these days. Can't get enough of the stuff. MEIJI's white stuff and the Hershey's cookies and cream miniatures are making imprints all over my bloody thighs. Well thank Kami sama for this spring weather because going for a walk is the new black I say.

May just walk on down to the 100yen heaven soon for a little sumfin.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

ハイハイ!It's a チュハイ!

Well I've found me some peace in the madness of it all, and it's thanks to my new favourite chuhai, Slat, or as I have taken the liberty to mispronounce, SLUT. SLUT goes for a mere 125yen at ye olde MAX VALUE and these days I've been having my way with the 500ml grapefruit flavour. Cherry on top is the little pulpy bits that other chuhai aren't packing. Don't know why it took me 4 months to get back into this little treat. If it all gets too much some days, crack yourself one and within a few minutes the lovely fuzziness that only a SLUT can give will have you singing along to the BIC CAMERA jingle, pardoning the obachan who bowl you over as you make your way onto the train, smiling at the lovely old men who look you up and down like a plague on the country, laughing off the fact clothes sizes don't stretch past size waif, and agreeing that yes it is totally fine with you that corn be served on your pizza.

Well what a woffle it's been tonight. Gonna make my way over to 100yen heaven tomorrow and find me something I'm not in need of!

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Like water for chocolate

This is the name of a book I read a few years ago. Along with a love story and recipes the book offers invaluable cooking advice. The most memorable advice I can recall is that you should never cook when you are in a bad mood, because the food will taste bad. Well today I was overcome with cooking euphoria and put together a treat for dinner, thanks to my amazing mum. She sent me the recipe for chicken minestrone last night. Coupled with that I also whipped up a gateau chocolate cake, thanks to MUJI. Haven't yet tasted either but am sure my genki mood will make for a delicious meal.

Chicken Minestrone by Denise

500 grams of chicken thigh
3 rashes of bacon
2 nobs of butter
1 onion, diced
3 cloves of garlic, diced
2 packs of kidney beans
3 cubes of chicken stock
3 cups of water
1 tin of diced tomatoes
2 stems of celery
2 carrots, sliced
2 packs of maccaroni pasta
fresh parsley

Pop the butter in the pan, add bacon, onion and garlic. Throw in chicken and mix around for a bit, or until chicken is just cooked. Add celery, carrot and beans. Mix for a bit. Then add tin of tomatoes, chicken stock, 3 cups of water and pasta. Boil away for 10 minutes, then reduce to a simmer at which time you should throw in oregano and parsley. Best to make early afternoon so soup can thicken and build up flavour.

Serve with parmesan cheese and garlic bread. Nice bottle of cab sav will really set things off.

Nice dessert to accompany minestrone might be strawberries dipped in MEIJI white chocolate which I have cooling in the freezer. Will go well with cake!

100yen heaven didn't help out today, but I'm sure I'll be there soon for something I'm yet to find out I need.

Stay tuned...

Monday, February 15, 2010


Well today I am having an 'I don't feel like being in Japan' day. Nothing substantial has happened but I started to feel a little irritated by the slightest things. I guess it happens every now and then. Sometimes I even felt like this in Australia if I try to put things in to perspective. Started to feel for Asashoryu just by virtue of the fact that he is a foreigner and according to some disrespected the sport of Sumo because of his charismatic behaviour. Hell, if he was putting bums on seats and bringing the sport alive, is it such a bad thing? Granted, he was given 5 warnings to clean up his act, and did not, but seriously sometimes Japan is just too uptight, mefeels.

Hopefully this will pass.

Things I miss about home:

1. Summer in January/February
2. Thai food
3. Mexican food
4. Indian food
5. Mum's dinner
6. Diet Coke!!
7. Being an hour from the Gold Coast
8. TV- Law & Order!
9. Australian radio
10.Eating outside

I guess the list could go on if I really wanna dig myself a pit of wallow. But lets just say spring is nigh and hopefully that will put a smile on my dial soon.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I was flatlining...

there for a while. But I'm back. All vitals point to ok. I was in a real rut- and at the beginning of the year, despite all my bravado about being positive and resolute. No need to document it. Safe to say I have seen the light.

Was published this month in the Kansai Scene. I wrote an article about the local priest with whom I supped and talked Buddhism. Photos came out really well. Also did a vox pop for The Japan Times in December so feeling slightly accomplished in the writing stakes. Head down bum up today on a new piece about...BLOOD! Stay tuned for that in next month's Kansai Scene.

Popped into 100yen heaven last week and went a little nuts over the kitchen utensils. Got myself kitted out for making chocolates and cakes in anticipation of Valentines Day this weekend. Picked up two cooking kits from MUJI- one a chocolate cake and the cther chocolate hearts with pink trimmings. Haven fallen in love with MUJI to be honest. Logged onto their website the other day and found could click on all kits and watch a 3 minute demo video on how to make each one. So even though I can't read the scribble on the box, I can follow along with the lovely little hands in the demo video complete with soothing musak. I'll keep you posted on my kitchen prowess. Planning to get started tomorrow on the chocolate hearts.

In other news Starbucks has been dumped! By me. Poked my head into Mister Donuts last week and was serenaded by the smell of apple pies and pon de rings along with Alicia Keys playing on the radio. Grabbed myself a coffee, pon de ring and sat down to listen to my now new favourite tune Empire State of Mind. Had just gulped down the last of my coffee and started rearranging my handbag (a habit I have when I go to coffee shops) when lovely Mister Donut employee came over and offered me a free refill. Now I've always known that Mister Donuts does this, but it wasn't until last week that I realised that that was enough for me to ditch my before work ritual cappacino at Starbucks and take up residence at Mister Donuts. Am always cautious now to write Mister after a mishap with a Japanese guy once, who I arranged to meet with at Mr. Donuts. I got a prompt reply from him asking: Who is Mr. Donut? I don't know him. Took me forever to realise the problem.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The eye of the tiger

Happy New Year dear blog. I'm not hoping for a great new year, I'm making it a great one!

Got back from Hawaii on Saturday, very sick but with my voice back. I'd lost it the second day I was in Waikiki. Eri's wedding was lovely, very Japanese, but lovely. I think her and Chris will make a great pair.

Last night I wrote down all that I am leaving behind in 2009- a year that I'd rather forget. That's not to say it didn't have its moments, but on the whole, and in the words of a former colleague, 'Fuck you 2009 and the horse you came in on'.

New beginnings.

This year I will lose weight and feel good about myself. I'll shake off all my negativity and project only positivity. I'll save money and indulge my hobbies- walking and writing. I'll see the good in everyone and believe in myself. I will.

Grrrr to the year of the tiger!

Rising up, back on the street!

Stay tuned...